
Saturday 28 May 2011

Project 52 ~ Catch Up

I've fallen a bit behind with my blog posts ~ so much to do, so little time!
So, to fill you in.  I have continued to participate with the MCP Actions Project 52 on Flickr.  I am really enjoying being a part of this friendly group.  I am trying not to fall into my "safe" mode of using the children as my models, and trying to think out the box a little.

Week 19 ~ Window Light

I thought that many people would be taking portraits using window light {perfect lighting in my humble opinion} so I wanted to do something a little different.  I had grand ideas of going to our local mansion and photograph the silhouette of the Georgian windows on the lovely hallway floor, but try as I might, I just couldn't juggle the time to go.  Time for plan b.  Half way up my stairs, I have a lovely little window with a sun catcher attached to it.  I wanted to capture the pretty colours that fill my walls together with the shadow of the sun catcher itself.  It didn't happen.  I just couldn't capture the colours the way I wanted to as the sun wasn't hitting the catcher in the right way.  Instead, I chose to just photograph the sun catcher itself.  I am a little dissapointed as I feel I played it safe this week. 

Week 20 ~ Spring Fever

Oh I had some fun with this weeks theme.  I had the same reoccurring image in my head every time I thought of this weeks theme so it just had to be done.  I guess it shows my sence of humour.  Again, I was disapointed with the end image, I know it is very sub-standard.

Week 21 ~ Need for speed

I had so much fun with this weeks theme, and so did the children!  I took them to our local park and started snapping away at them on the swings, going down the slides, jumping.... well nearly every time they moved.  I came away with some lovely images but me being my over critical self I just didn't think they were good enough for this weeks entry.

We decided to go out for the day on Sunday.  I thought the break away from the house at the seaside would bring back some creative spark.  There was the usual last-minute grab for items as we headed out, and it wasn't until we were half way there I realised what that nagging "I've forgotten something" feeling was.  I hadn't bought my camera.  I shrugged it off and just enjoyed the day, when my Son went to climb the rocks he handed me his little camera to keep safe while he played.  Yay, I had a camera.  After a spot of rock climbing, we went closer to the water and I started playing about with my Son's camera taking photos of the waves.   Then my Son decided to go and paddle in the sea, and this weeks entry was born.....

I am thrilled to say that my image was chosen as one of the top 10 to appear on the MCP Actions blog.  I really can't begin to tell you how honoured I feel.  To see my image on their blog, click here.

